'DRUID CIRCLE' Syntax: circle <trees/stone/shadows> (to choose a druid circle at Aruncus the Druid) At the 12th title, druids choose a circle, which they will then belong to forever and all time. With each circle comes a different choice of spells for the druid, and importantly, a different focus. Circle of Trees Members of this circle use their green thumbs to attune with the earth and cultivate its plants. They have a strong inclination to protect their favorite forest. Spells: RITUAL OF TREES, WILDERNESS RECALL, WILD GROWTH, GIANT STRENGTH, NEEDLES, SACRED LANDS Circle of Stone Members of this circle are the most likely to be explorers. They enjoy dabbling into astrology, arguably the most reclusive druid. Spells learned: RITUAL OF STONE, STAR GATE, EARTHQUAKE, STONE SKIN, FORESIGHT, TORNADO Circle of Shadows Members of this circle druids are more obsessive with immortals and immortality than their counterparts. Their paranoia often leads to efforts to appease the gods with ritual sacrifice. Spells learned: RITUAL OF BLOOD, TELEPORT, BAY FOR BLOOD, SUMMON RAVENS, BLOOD SEED, CURSE OF ACADIA

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